Tailoring Properties of Fe-based Biodegradable Stent Materials by Grain Refinement: A Review
grain refinement, degradation rate, biodegradable metal, pure ironAbstract
Overtime, researchers on biodegradable stent materials are challenged to develop a material having adequate mechanical properties and degradation rate matching tissue healing rate. This study attempted to show that biodegradation rate of pure iron (Fe)-stent material in physiological fluid depends on effective grain size just like its mechanical properties by reviewing some pertinent works on pure Fe-based biometals. This study reviewed the works of some researchers who used different processing methods that altered the microstructure and extracted information on the dependence of degradation rates and mechanical properties of pure iron on average grain sizes. The major outcome of this survey is that finer grain size led to lower degradation rate of pure iron in near-neutral simulated body fluid, while strength increased with decrease in grain size. Strength and ductility are mutually exclusive as extreme grain refinement of Fe-based metal improves strength at the expense of ductility, but enhances corrosion resistance and biocompatibility. On the other hand, extreme grain refinement followed by annealing heat treatment increases grain size, lowers strength and restores ductility. This survey indicates strongly that grain refinement is a promising route of striking a balance among the required properties of iron-based stent material.
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