Microstructural and Corrosion Studies of Ni-P/Rice Husk Ash Composite Coatings on Mild Steel
Electroless Plating, Rice Husk Ash (RHA) particles, Corrosion, Composite coating, MicrostructureAbstract
This study investigated the effect of Rice Husk Ash (RHA) particles incorporation in electroless Ni-P coatings on the microstructural and corrosion properties of mild steel. In this study, pure Ni-P and Ni-P/RHA composite coatings were developed at different concentrations of rice husk ash particles (2 g/L, 4 g/L, 6 g/L, and 8 g/L) in an electroless bath. The effect of the RHA on the deposition rate, surface morphology and the corrosion properties of the coating was studied. The results show an increase in the deposition rate as a result of the inclusion RHA particles in the electroless plating bath, indicating good bonding between the Ni-P matrix and the RHA particles. The study of the surface morphology of the coatings using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (EDS) showed a sparse dispersion of the coating on the substrate and the SEM image of the Ni-P/8g RHA composite coating indicated that the rice husk ash was successfully incorporated in the electroless Ni-P coating as the SEM images had less voids and the EDS showed an increase in the deposition of Ni and P indicated by its higher percentages in the composite coating than in the pure Ni-P coating. Tafel polarization studies of the coating showed an increase in the corrosion rate of the coating with the addition of RHA particles. The Ni-P/4g RHA composite coating having the highest corrosion resistance of 16.94 mil/yr with an Ecorr of -0.301V. This study confirms the effect of third phase particles addition on the microstructure and corrosion properties of electroless Ni-P and shows that RHA particles can be used as a cheaper and eco-friendly alternative to improve the microstructural and corrosion properties of electroless Ni-P coatings.
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- 2023-09-02 (2)
- 2023-02-27 (1)
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