Influence of Annealing Temperature on the Optical, Structural, Morphological and Compositional Properties of SILAR Deposited Copper Manganese Oxide Thin Films
CuMnO2, Annealing temperature, SILAR cycles, Optical analysis, Crystallite sizesAbstract
In this work, effects of annealing temperature on the optical, structural, morphological, and compositional properties of SILAR deposited copper manganese oxide thin films were determined. Mixture of copper (II) chloride and manganese (II) chloride complexed ammonium hydroxide solution was used as precursor for cations. Sodium hydroxide placed in a hot plate at 60℃ served as precursor for anions. Five samples of copper manganese oxide (CuMnO2) thin films were concurrently synthesized using 10 SILAR cycles to obtain desired thickness. After deposition, four of the deposited CuMnO2 thin films were annealed at 473 K, 573 K, 673 K and 773 K respectively while one as-grown sample was used as a control. Thickness of deposited thin film estimated using gravimetric method increased as annealing temperature increases. Optical, structural, morphological, and elemental composition analysis were carried out on the samples. Optical results showed that annealing temperature has a significant effect on the optical properties. Structural analysis showed an improvement in the crystallinity of the films. Crystallite size of the deposited thin film obtained ranged between 14.36 nm – 33.14 nm. It was found that increase in annealing temperature resulted to increase in the crystallite sizes. SEM micrographs showed an increase in thin film particles and surface roughness as a result of increase in annealing temperature. Relative amounts of Cu, Mn and O2 were found in the EDS results obtained.
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